Revisão para o Simulazul de Português

14 de Fevereiro 2020

Now that we have our view and component layer, we need something to manage state and the lifecycle of our application. Redux is also a clear winner here.

Alongside React, Facebook presented a design pattern for one way data flow called Flux. Flux largely delivered on its promise of simplifying state management, but it also brought with it more questions, such as how to store that state and where to do Ajax requests. To answer those questions, countless frameworks were built on top of the Flux pattern: Fluxible, Reflux, Alt, Flummox, Lux, Nuclear, Fluxxor and many, many more. One Flux-like implementation eventually caught the community’s attention, and for good reasons: Redux.

One thing to be careful is the natural instinct to try and abstract away the Redux boilerplate. There’s good reasons behind all those pieces. Make sure you tried it and understand the “why” before trying to blindly improve on it.

Why Javascript?

JavaScript is the standard language of the web platform. Learning it will allow you to build any app you want for any device or platform you want. Watch this 1 minute video to learn more about what JavaScript can do for you:

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